What's going on?
- I'll tell the labor story some other time. The short story is that it was brief, only painful for a short time and involved a call to the police. Also, we couldn't be happier that we chose the hospital with a short drive.
- Felix is doing wonderfully. He came out easily and to our great surprise, with a full head of hair. I think he looked like Dom Deluise. (This is one of a very limited number of options that babies have. Others include Buddha and Winston Churchill.)
- Relia has been very happy with her brother so far. We got some video of the actual meeting. And some great shots of her greeting him at home today.
- I feel like I've been running for the past two days. Glad to have the FP Gal back at home.
- We owe some serious thanks to all of the grandparents. They've been a tremendous help. The FP Gal's family (being so close) has been especially wonderful.
I think I know what the "call to the police" refers to, but I'll leave that to you as it is your story to tell.