Pretty - Cranberries
After Hans mentioned the Cranberries last week, I put one of their discs in the car. Relia picked this one as her favorite. Even called it by name without prompting. Fortunately, it's one of my favorites too.
When she's with me we almost always listen to music from a CD. I gave up music radio years ago and she isn't a fan of sports talk. The fun thing is that she refers to it as 'Daddy music', like it's a genre or something. She'll ask me if this or that song is Daddy music or not. Well Relia, 'Pretty' is indeed Daddy music.
As a music fan it is becoming frustrating to me that I can't get her more interested in listening to multiple genre's. I'm trying everything... And will continue to do so. I refuse to let her get away with her father's musical tastes (which is none).