Wednesday, May 19, 2010


One of the fun things about having kids who talk is the strange way they remake phrases to make sense to them. Here are some that Relia uses:

  • Monica-rail - instead of monorail. Always used at the zoo. Sounds like a fun place to be the conductor.
  • Orange Target - otherwise known as Home Depot. They are right next to each other at the place we most commonly go to.
  • Beef cookies - any kind of sandwich cookie, but especially the fudge creme filled ones. We keep waiting for the good folks at daycare to bring this up in regards to Oreos. (Apparently, also my brother's nickname.)
  • Daddy juice/Mommy juice - whatever kind of juice either of us happens to have in the fridge at the time. Started when I got some Sunny D and has just grown from there. Useful to me when I don't want her to drink all of my blueberry juice...
  • Brown/Orange/Red Park - Relia's system of identification for the various parks that we play at. Sometimes there is a loose connection to the actual colors at the playground but not always. One time she wanted to go to the Pink Park. When we told her we didn't know where it was she told us to just keep driving and we'd find it.


Test said...

Hilarious! Claire calls her parks by color too!!!

Kate said...

Just keep driving and you'll find the pink park. Ha!

carrster said...

haha - that is awesome!