A Calm Day

I've got the week off from work so I can do Daddy things. Which is nice . . .

  • This was our first really peaceful day so far. Relia was with her Nana today which meant we only needed to keep track of an infant. Which is much easier.
  • Relia continues to be very sweet with Felix. In the morning she always wants to know where he is. And if he's asleep she really doesn't understand that she must be quiet. Well, it's early. She'll have time to learn.
  • Took Felix to the pediatrician today. Everything looks good. His weight is in the groove and the slight bit of jaundice is nothing to worry about.
  • My baby calming skills have atrophied quite a bit but some of it is coming back. This morning I found that humming 'Clair de Lune' helped. With Relia the tune that worked was 'She-Bop'. Go figure.
  • We're still working out sleeping and so far the heavy load has fallen on the FP Gal. She's been a trooper through it all.


Kate said…
This makes me all kinds of happy. You'll figure it out. New parents always do. And Relia is already proving to be an amazing big sister.
Hans said…
I use "Dreaming My Dreams" by the Cranberries.
carrster said…
Dahlia is always wondering where August is first thing in the morning too - it's very sweet! Glad to hear that Relia is being an awesome big sister too.

And yeah - keeping track of an infant is WAY easier than a toddler + an infant!!

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