
Of course it makes sense that this exists somewhere but my mind never jumped to the thought that there was actually an advertisement for this. Sadly, there is no listed price. And we're in the midst of putting something else together in the backyard.
Maybe I'll check Ebay . . .


Sarita said…
"Giganta! Giganta! Giganta is a playground Robot, he has slides for hands!."
Hans said…
This was at Todd Park. I remember climbing up the outside of it.
Heidi said…
I want it!
Heidi said…
I hope they never tear this down. Dad, let us know if they ever plan to.
carrster said…
Memories of Todd Park come flooding back!! Is it still there? Anyone know?
Heidi said…
Carrie, the web address I posted in my comment is of me and my son at the robot in Todd park last October.
Meigan said…
Oh! The Todd Park robot!!! How awesome.

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