Light Blogging

The last couple of weeks of blogging has been on the lame side and I know that (sorry Pat!). I've got my reasons:
  • The bedtime stuff with Relia. It's not every night but it's enough of them. Tonight she finally gave up after 930p. Not all fighting. In fact, I would have sworn she was down at 9p. Then we heard movement up there and when I investigated she had carefully remade her bed and seemed wide awake.
  • Felixio is going through a gassy phase (sorry for sharing, guy!). That means he is very hard to console. So when the FP Gal is busy fighting upstairs, I'm trying to do the calming thing downstairs. This isn't a big problem, certainly not as bad as when he's hungry and and the, uh, equipment is otherwise busy. Then I'm stuck.
  • My allergies have been killing me for about eight weeks now. Our long mild spring has been very comfortable and wonderful for the trees. They've been flowering like mad. Seriously, we saw one yesterday that had so many white flowers that it looked like someone had covered it in fire suppression foam. All very nice but enough with the pollen already! It's been all manner of symptoms but the upshot is that I haven't really felt healthy in about two months now.
So, my blogging has suffered. And so has my reading of other sites. So, I'm also sorry if you've been posting and I haven't really commented. I still care about you, I just don't have time/energy to show it.

This probably reads like a big ol' pity post but I don't really intend it like that. This is the adjustment phase and will get better. And the trees will stop with the incessant aerial sex. And . . . legislation will finally pass to add four hours to each day.
Ah, that will be wonderful.


carrster said…
When you have a newborn, all bets are off!!! No one begrudges you that!!
Kate said…
No worries from me. I just love updates on the babies. So, when you get to them, I'll read them. Hang in there. You'll get in a new routine soon enough!

And enough with the pollen already. I'm on board with that.

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