Mama's Day

  • Went to the zoo for an hour or so this morning. Sometime we'll stay for a full day but I don't know when. The FP Gal should have some pictures up sometime.
  • Lunch with the FP Gal's family. It was at an Australian themed restaurant and I got to show Relia a map of the country/continent. It rhymes with her name which is cool.
  • Back home and Relia fell asleep just as the car stopped at the curb. Perfect timing. Easiest job I've had of it in weeks.
  • Off to a park where we met my Mom. We were at this same place last summer and it's amazing to see how much more agile Relia is. (Mom less so . . .) Off to dinner. We all had ice cream.
  • Back home. Typical bath-time. Then 1 1/2 hour bedtime/fight. Thirty minutes later she was back up. This really must stop.
  • Got to watch the 'Amazing Race' finale. Cheered hard for the cowboys, of course. Man, I love that show.
  • And now? Probably off to bed.


Kate said…
Sounds like an amazing day! (Except for the bedtime fights...)
carrster said…
Ah yes! I love it when we have a sleeping girl in the car right at naptime & can manuever a successful transfer (doesn't always work) and I agree - this bedtime nonsense! ARGH!!!

I hear we'll get through it....
Pat said…
I wanted the cowboys to win also.

Aurelia--Australia. Cute. Would not have ever thought about that until you brought it uy.

Lol about Mom not being so agile. That happens to all of us.

Sounds like it was a great day. Mark my words--bedtime fights will cease at some point in time. When?? I do not know.

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