Dirty Clothes
Wednesday mornings now involve Relia at preschool and DF at daycare. This gives me a few hours to catch up on sleep/get some things done around the house/regain some sanity. And today I need it.
The temps here in MN went from cool and springlike to full summer yesterday. I think that it went over 90. Anyway, sleep last night wasn't easy. My normal Tuesday night five hours became something more like three and a half. I'm kind of in zombie land.
So this morning I got food for both kids. Got DF changed and dressed. Relia was a big help by picking out her own dress and getting socks and shoes on with a minimum of fuss. I got DF's lunch packed (Relia's is provided) and out the door we went.
It wasn't until I we had arrived at daycare/preschool and I was unstrapping Relia that I noticed that her dress wasn't exactly clean. Some stains, guessing Mac & Cheese were on the chest. Not hyper noticeable but there. I said, "Oh sweetheart, this dress isn't clean."
She looked at me and simply said, "I guess it will have to do."
And so it will.
The temps here in MN went from cool and springlike to full summer yesterday. I think that it went over 90. Anyway, sleep last night wasn't easy. My normal Tuesday night five hours became something more like three and a half. I'm kind of in zombie land.
So this morning I got food for both kids. Got DF changed and dressed. Relia was a big help by picking out her own dress and getting socks and shoes on with a minimum of fuss. I got DF's lunch packed (Relia's is provided) and out the door we went.
It wasn't until I we had arrived at daycare/preschool and I was unstrapping Relia that I noticed that her dress wasn't exactly clean. Some stains, guessing Mac & Cheese were on the chest. Not hyper noticeable but there. I said, "Oh sweetheart, this dress isn't clean."
She looked at me and simply said, "I guess it will have to do."
And so it will.