In the car this morning:
FP Gal: Relia, do you know what day tomorrow is?
Relia: Monday?
Me: Monday. Gotta get down on Monday.
Relia: (singing quietly) Gotta get down on Friday . . .
I'd say this qualifies as a parenting fail but neither of us can figure out where she learned the 'Friday' song from. Not even sure where she would have heard it at all. I guess culture really does invade everywhere.
FP Gal: Relia, do you know what day tomorrow is?
Relia: Monday?
Me: Monday. Gotta get down on Monday.
Relia: (singing quietly) Gotta get down on Friday . . .
I'd say this qualifies as a parenting fail but neither of us can figure out where she learned the 'Friday' song from. Not even sure where she would have heard it at all. I guess culture really does invade everywhere.