With Felix
I know that Relia coverage on this blog really outshines that of our dear DF and that probably isn't fair or right. I also know that some years from now I'll read back through this and wonder what he was like as a baby. So think of these as notes for that time:
- He is very inquisitive, really wants to get into things and see how they work. He doesn't seem to spend a lot of time at one activity but wanders from thing to thing.
- Which shouldn't be taken to mean that he doesn't return to the same things over and over. He loves the toy kitchen in our real kitchen. And the new toy castle.
- He also loves the cats. Is totally fascinated by them. Whenever one of them comes close enough for daddy to pet, he thinks it's the funniest thing ever. He also wants to pet them but can't quite figure out how not to grab. Eventually he'll get it and then they (Ozzie at least) will let him pet.
- DF thinks that Relia is the most fun thing in his life. Which is probably true. She is in constant motion compared to us old sticks-in-the-mud. She enjoys playing with him and has lots of cool stuff.
- Relia is working on figuring out the line where her play is too rough for him. DF shows the one year old habit of crying when something is taken from him or a door is closed on him. This is slow going but important for both of them.
- He's got a great smile. He isn't as generous with it as his sister was but when he uses it he can light up the room. The quickest way to get him to smile is to laugh near him. He just can't wait to join in (though I sometimes think that he doesn't really get the joke).
- Has a very good appetite though is a little picky about his eats. He can finish off a McO'Donalds cheeseburger all by himself faster than his daddy can. Doesn't care for french fries though. Loves, loves to eat peas. Other veggies are more hit and miss.
- DF thinks that Relia's shoes should not be trapped in a basket but should live free hither and yon around the house. (Well, so does she.)
- He is very cuddly, especially when tired. Already knows how to give good hugs.
I'm so glad you mentioned his smile. Because it's just so wide and full.