Happy Birthday!

A very Happy 1st Birthday to our beautiful little boy, Felix! You are the happiest and smartest little guy that we could ever ask for. I can only hope that this continues.

It was late on April 30th, 2010 when it all started. I was walking on the treadmill in our bedroom. (I'd been doing this for more than an hour, six days a week for the past two months. Little did I know that this hobby was fast coming to an end.) The FP Gal came up and complained that she was having some kind of backache. She said it kept coming and going. I remember thinking, "well, we're close to the due date so there's little chance that this is really the deal". But, we got out the stop watch anyway.
As we were timing the pains they became worse. We started talking about calling in to get some guidance and the pain got more intense again. By the time we got through on the phone, the FP Gal was doing some Dr Seuss style breathing (hee . . . hoo . . . hee . . . hoo). It was time!
The FP Gal got her stuff together while I tried to get a babysitter on the phone. Which all happened somehow (those details are hazy). Then we were in the car and seriously motoring the mile or so to the hospital. I dropped her at the Emergency Room door and peeled out to the main parking ramp. Then I found the unlocked door and ran through the halls so that I could meet her at the maternity ward. They . . . had no idea who I was talking about. But she soon arrived so then it all made sense.
Again things moved quickly. They told her she was at about 18 cm and away we went. The FP Gal's mom arrived and so did the photographer. (The sound guy and court reporter got lost somewhere.)
And then of course, it really was time. Without too much delay, Felix arrived. And he has been wonderful ever since.


DD4 said…
That's quite an account! I'm not sure how much is fiction. Anyway, I agree that Felix is a sweet, handsome, happy little boy, and wish him a very Happy Birthday!
carrster said…
Woah- 18cm! Sarah is amazing!! (j/k)

Happy Birthday, Felix!! :) Can't believe it's already been a year!

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