
For nearly 30 years I've been jealous of the copy of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' that my brother bought on cassette. Today I finally bought a copy of my own on iTunes.

The FP Gal and I are rocking out.


Meigan said…
It's too high to get over (yeah, yeah) too low to get under (yeah, yeah) you're stuck in the middle (yeah, yeah) and the pain is a thunder
Meigan said…
Almost forgot: mama say mama sa ma ma coo sa, mama say mama sa ma ma coo sa
carrster said…
That was the first ALBUM (vinyl, yes, I still have it) that I purchased. At K-mart no less! Whohoo! LOVE it!
Kate said…
Me too, Carrie! I have it on vinyl! But I think I got mine at Shopko?

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