
Just a brief rundown:
  • DF looks much better today. Much, much better. This might be a brief deal and not the full ten days that I feared.
  • Cool and rainy again today. I haven't written much about weather this month but the thing to understand is this: on Tuesday we were brushing up against 90. Today the high was about 43.
  • Went to the platelet vampires again today. Nice and enjoyable time.
  • For dinner we tried a recipe from my Campbell's soup cookbook. Some kind of 'flash back crispy ranch chicken' or other. Quite tasty.
  • After dinner I made some homemade blueberry ice-cream. We'll let it freeze overnight and eat some tomorrow.
  • Dr Who tonight, this episode written by Neil Gaiman(!). We're part way through and I'm enjoying it.
  • The rest will be watched when the FP Gal is done settling Relia.
That's all!


DD4 said…
Your day sounded nice! I'm so happy Felix is recovering from the pox.

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