Survivor Review

Last night was the Survivor finale and I thought I'd jot down some notes. I don't normally review Survivor simply because I usually can't watch it until more than a full day after it airs but this time I'll make an exception. Survivors ready?
  • It had to be Rob. No one else deserved a vote. He was easily the dominant player. Not even close. Probst said that it may have been the most perfect game a player has ever played and that could be true.
  • Having said that, this was a very dull season. Once the tribes merged it was easy to see how the rest of the game would play out. Sometimes that tricks us into thinking that we'll see a different narrative. Not this time.
  • One of the reasons this season was sub-par is that there was an incredible amount of dead weight. Each tribe started with two girls who did almost nothing but ride coat-tails. One of them, Natalie, even made the finals. The four of them added nothing. Try harder, Survivor casting crew.
  • During the reunion show Probst announced that they'd have two former players on again next season. A very load groan came from the FP household. It seems that Survivor has lost confidence in its ability to find new and exciting players. Very sad.
  • Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the seasons with the all star cast. Former players have much sharper insight into how to play. But you can't do this every time. Especially with just sprinkling a few on there. It suffocates the other players. This season quickly became the Rob & Russel show. Next season will probably become the ___ & ___ show. This is not good for the franchise.
  • I'd still personally love to go on the show but I'm doubting that the FP Gal would ever let me. Yes, I'm out of shape but I'd still do very well in the social and strategic games. And I might even be entertaining and fun to watch (another thing this season lacked).
And now both of our reality shows are done until fall.


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