Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Adventures in afternoon TV

(I'm home early because of plans for tonight.) We're watching Dr Phil and they've got a woman on who was on a previous episode because her husband is a Bad Man. After that show they got home and he admitted to her that he'd killed and raped people before. She does what every reasonable person in that situation would do. She calls Dr Phil! And leaves a voicemail. Doesn't move out, doesn't move the kids out or anything like that. Thank God, for Dr Phil.
Later in the episode, (and I'll admit that some other things may have happened, my soul is trying to escape the sinking ship that is this TV program) the woman takes an overdose of drugs. By accident, apparently but what did she do about it? Call Dr Phil! Or at least his producer. Seriously, when do they 'help' this woman and give her the number for 911?
Holy cats! (Wait a minute. Deep breath.) Ah, much better. The FP Gal has changed the channel to ABC Family channel. Much better.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I can't watch things like Dr. Phil or even Oprah. It makes me think very, very badly of humanity and what the world is coming to. I cringe. That, and Dr. Phil is getting a divorce. He doesn't know jack. And I'm surprised it took her that long to figure it out.