Monday, July 14, 2008

Bats on the loose

Relia has taken to running around the house with this bat. She really doesn't understand how it's used and prefers to carry it heavy side down like in the picture. She also likes to whomp it on the floor, making it like a White Sox themed butter churn.
Also of note, she likes to cuddle it against her cheek and coo. This just might become her dolly. What proud Papa could ask for anything more?


DD4 said...

I hope she likes dolls as well as the White Sox bat. :-)

MommyLisa said...

Okay, is it plastic and hollow?

Too funny.

FYI, Marin has that Zebra. It is SOOOO much fun watching her jump up and down on it.

However I fear we are getting too old for it. ;)

Kate said...

Love it! Does she take it to bed yet?

Alfred T. Mahan said...

So, when is she going to get the Talking Ozzie Guillen doll? :]