Sunday, July 20, 2008

Extra Innings Preview

Every year after the All-Star break, MLB Extra Innings gives a week of free games. That means that we can watch baseball games from all over the country. Of course, I watch the White Sox games but I also enjoy seeing other games with other announcers.
I've got a problem, though. They show a commercial advertising the service that starts with "...and the Red Sox are playing in Boston. And Boise. And Birmingham." They show clips of a game with a scoreboard on the top of the screen. One problem, the score is upside down. If the score is vertical the home team is always the bottom one. Always. If the scoreboard is horizontal, the home team is always the one on the right. Again, always. In the commercial, they screw up both conventions. This is a simple thing but as a sports fan it grates on me. Obviously the owners of the channel don't care enough to get something like this right.

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