
The FP Gal and I have been talking about 'Wall-E' and it's place in the overall list of Pixar movies. This little studio has really created some amazing movies since 1995. She wanted a list to compare them with. Here goes...
Toy Story (100)
A Bug's Life (91)
Toy Story 2 (100)
Monsters Inc (95)
Finding Nemo (98)
The Incredibles (97)
Cars (75)
Ratatouille (96)
Wall-E (97)

(The number after each is the percentage of positive film reviews from professional critics, tallied by RottenTomatoes.com.)

That's a pretty good list. I haven't seen 'Bug's Life' or 'Ratatouille' yet, but the later got serious raves last year. And I've just added it to our Netflix queue... Of the others, I'd say that 'Toy Story', 'Monsters Inc', 'Finding Nemo' and 'Wall-E' were all great movies. I'd watch any of them if I saw them on TV and I'd look down at anyone who didn't like them.
I remember liking 'Toy Story 2' but it doesn't really stand out in my memory now. We thought 'The Incredibles' was overrated, but I'd kind of like to see it again and double check. I liked 'Cars' a lot but it wasn't quite up there with some of the other ones.
I'm curious where other people would rank them. What did you think was great? What was a waste of time? Tell me!


Hans said…
We own all of these and the kids love watching them. Us, too. From the bottom up, for me it would be:

9-A Bug's Life - It pales in comparison to the rest
8-Ratatoullie - It's good, but not 96 good. It's not a kids movie
7-Monsters Inc - It seems a shame to put this down so far in the list, but the others are just better
6-Finding Nemo - Annika's favorite
5-Toy Story - Great, ground breaking, wonderful, fifth best
4-Toy Story 2 - Loved it
3-Cars - Only a 75 on Rotten Tomatoes? Are they kidding? This movie is great! I didn't think I'd like it at all. Not even close to true. I wonder if the NASCAR aspect turned off some of the reviewers.
2-Wall-E - Very new, but amazing nonetheless
1-Incredibles - A fantastic story that is very well written and balanced. Oscar-worthy.
Heidi said…
This is tough. I have a tie for Toy Story 1&2, Monsters Inc, and Finding Nemo. Cars was good. Bug's life fine. I enjoyed Ratatoullie. I have only seen Incredibles once, ok. I hope to see Wall-E soon. I love Pixar movies.
MamaD4 said…
I agree with Hans, mostly, except that I would exchange Incredibles with Cars. I haven't seen WALL-E yet, so I can't say if I'll like that better than Cars. So, as of now, Cars is my favorite Pixar. I also agree with Hans' assessment of Ratatoullie...it's cute but not very kiddy. I would also pick A Bug's Life last...booooooorrrrinngg.
carrster said…
I also loved Cars. I own Finding Nemo, Incredibles, Monsters Inc - and love them all. Ratatoullie I thought was *okay* but not as good as the others. I remember really loving Bugs Life & both Toy Storys but it's been ages since I've seen them.

Pixar is like candy for the eyes. Yummy. I hope to get out and see Wall-E.
Meigan said…
I just loved, loved, loved, Ratatouille, and so do my kids. But we're a big cooking family.

Monsters INC might be tied for 1st place, but DH & I watched it while we were expecting our 1st little "boo". Also love it cuz I'm in the business world each day - too many similarities!

Finding Nemo rocks; kids watch it at least once a month.

Toy Story & II were great. Bug's Life pretty good. Incredibles was fun, too.

I really didn't like Cars. Haven't really sat through it, but I don't like it. We're waiting to see Wall-E on DVD.

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