Portrait of a Lady - James

This makes the third novel that I just couldn't get through. It started with a very similar feel to a Jane Austen novel. Unfortunately, there was even less plot. Just pages and pages of descriptions of the characters inner feelings. Nothing real to hang on to. Can't really recommend this one to anyone.
Only three books left on the Great American Novel list. I'd like to finish those up in the next few months and then add on a few that I thought could have been considered. The schedule (in case anyone else wants to follow along):
July - Moby Dick
August - The Adventures of Auggie March
September - To Kill a Mockingbird


Anonymous said…
To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my absolute favorites!!!
Peder said…
It's one of my favorites, too. Just an amazing book.
Kate said…
I think I need to read To Kill A Mockingbird again. I was too stubborn when I was in high school to read it critically like I was "supposed" to. I hated it when someone would tell me what a phrase was supposed to mean. What happened to creative reading?

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