Day Seven

We woke up in Prince Rupert, Canada and it was easily my least favorite spot on our itinerary. The day featured a steady rain and strong winds. I'd read beforehand that the town was fairly new as a cruise destination and there was some pushback from the locals. The only thing that looked interesting on the map was a sunken garden a couple of blocks from the ship.
We spent the morning on the ship doing something or other. I had a book from the ship's library and was starting to feel some time pressure to finish the durn thing. There was a nap involved. I mentioned our cabin was completely dark, right? That makes for very good napping.
In the afternoon, Relia stayed with Grandpa while the FP Gal and her mom and I went into town. Actually we went our separate ways. I asked the nice lady at the info booth if there were any bookstores in town. She gave me a map and circled two spots for me. Off I walked. Prince Rupert didn't feel like a tourist place and there is a definite charm to that. Once I got to downtown (six or eight blocks of walking) it could have been any small town. The first bookstore was small but nice. The second was kind of an addition to a magazine store. I didn't buy anything at either.
Later I heard that there was a McDonald's somewhere in town but I didn't see it. My two signposts for civilization are used books and good burgers. Prince Rupert met both qualifications.
Back to the ship and...I don't remember. In fact, I don't remember anything else that happened that whole day. I think Relia and I went to bed early and the FP Gal went out and got crazy but that could all just be a dream.


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