Day Three
Welcome to life on the high seas! Or at least higher than we expected. IIRC, they were somewhere in the vicinity of 3-5 feet. Not bad or crashing but enough to give the ship some very definite movement. (Side to side movement, which I think is a 'roll' as opposed to front to back which may be a 'pitch'. Real sailors are invited to weigh in.) This didn't keep me from eating hearty but a few members of our crew had sea sickness.
The day started early as Relia (still on Minnesota time) decided that 430a was time to wake up. If you're sharing a small space with an infant, you get up when she does. Well, kind of. We put her in bed between us and she happily played (and beat and poked and tugged) for some time. Eventually we had to get up so we took her to the deck to play. She was a real trooper, walked forever and even kept her hood on (mostly).
That morning we ambushed Heidi with a baby shower. Mom pressed me into the duty of having her and Chad into a specific spot (the 'Champagne Lounge') at 1030a. Do you know how difficult it is to have someone at a specific spot on a ship at a certain time without their help? Well, we were a bit late but better than never, right? This was the first baby shower that any of the men in our group had ever attended. I feel confident in saying that if we could have escaped from the ship, we'd all have perfect records to this day.
The ship had a Wii Tennis tournament. About forty of us showed up when they'd only planned for 16. They held a drawing and I was lucky enough to be chosen. Won the first game and got killed in the second. Lots of fun. We thought that the Wii was a good idea but they seemed unprepared for the interest. It's probably new to them and I hope that they get it figured out in the future.
This whole day was at sea and those days tend to be lazy. The next thing I can remember was dinner that evening (at the Windjammer) trying to spot whales. Each one turned out to be sticks or clumps of kelp. We did see some dolphins! And a beautiful sunset.
The FP Gal's parents offered to take Relia overnight so we became footloose and fancy free! That meant karoke, of course. They did a contest with two nights of qualifying and the top four going on to a final night show. I pulled out the big gun, 'Jump, Jive and Wail', and felt pretty good about it. Unfortunately, I sang second and the closer you are to the end, the better. They didn't choose me. Oh well, there was always the other qualifying night.
Then we went up the Viking lounge, the highest part of the ship. They were playing 80's music, which as we all know, is the best for dancing. We danced and danced. Did you know that the FP Gal knows 'The Electric Slide'? Then off to bed at what must have been 4a for us. It was a good day.