Random Wednesday morning thoughts
- Relia seems to be much more aware of music than she used to be. Several times this morning she stopped and 'danced' along with the TV. Not the flamenco stuff this time, just a rhythmic squatting and bobbing. Which sounds ugly but is very cute.
- Every day her arms grow another three inches. Not only can she reach more and more shelves and further back onto tables but soon she'll be able to dunk a basketball. We'll try and get video.
- Haven't written much about the Wii Fit lately. That's because we've been too busy to really use it. The FP Gal has been swamped in homework and my daily schedule makes any regular nighttime activity difficult. I'm still using the 'balance board' for some simple step aerobics in front of the TV but that's about it.
- The Olympics start on Friday and I'm a little bummed to miss out on the opening ceremony. Yes, the whole thing is rife with corruption and the soft focus features are more than a little annoying, I'll grant that. But if you look at it in the spirit intended, you can still enjoy it. I'm talking about the pure competition part.
- Speaking of which, I was looking through the list of events yesterday and I realized that I really wanted to watch some bobsledding. No, I'm not sure what to do with that either.
- Of course the real sports action of the moment is baseball. Haven't written much about it this year because it's tough to get a handle on the White Sox or the Twins. At times both teams look unstoppable or incapable. Sometimes in back to back games. I do know that I wouldn't have written anything like this (from my favorite Twins writer). How many times do Minnesota teams have to rip your heart out before you learn not to be cocky?
- Sorry, I still find this fascinating. More for the bizzare actions of both the Packers and Favre than anything else. I can only assume this will be all wrapped up by December or so.
- That's it!