Essential Movies of the 00's

(Via Instapundit) Here's one person's attempt at creating a top 10 essential movie list for the 2000's. I've wondered about what movies from this decade will really stand the test of time and there are very few definitive choices. It's a difficult task and this isn't a bad try. I want to look at each movie with the idea of it being 'essential'. In other words, if you haven't seen it are you behind the culture in the same way that you would be if you hadn't seen 'Star Wars' or 'ET'. Here it is:

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - It's best to treat this as a single unit rather than three movies and it's pretty much the most obvious choice for the decade.
Shrek - Another great movie and a worthy choice. Well, if you're only going to give one slot to an animated film I'd probably go with 'Finding Nemo' or 'Monsters Inc'.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - Enjoyed this in the theater but haven't had an urge to watch it again since. Am I alone in this? Will people in 2020 talk about what a great movie this was?
March of the Penguins - This will sound like heresy but I thought this movie was really only ok. It's a very well put together documentary but that's about it. I know that it got a lot of mention at the watercooler so maybe it is essential.
Memento - This was really an underground hit and I'm surprised that it made this list. Not unhappy with it here, it really is a great one.
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Seriously?
Brokeback Mountain - I liked this movie and it certainly was something of a cultural milestone. It might get too much credit and the groundbreaking theme talk was certainly over the top but only time will tell how it's remembered.
The Passion of the Christ - A very important movie to lots of people. It'll be loved by millions and hated by others. One of the defining movies of the decade. (Haven't seen it so I'm making no judgment as to quality.)
Moulin Rouge - The best musical of the decade and not really close. One of the best love stories, too. I'd put it on my list.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding - The biggest chick flick of the decade, probably longer lasting than 'Sex in the City'. Didn't care for it personally but it's a defensible choice.

Not a bad list. Mine would look a bit different. What think?


DD4 said…
Peder, please don't forget to return my copy of MY BIG, FAT, GREEK WEDDING. I personally liked it a lot.
Kate said…
Well, I've watched Shrek, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and the Passion of the Christ - which I had a hard time paying attention to. I mean, there were subtitles people. And it's not like we didn't know what was going to happen.

Nope. Not my list. Then again, I'm not a big movie fan. And dang, I've been trying to watch Brokeback Mountain for about three months now. It just doesn't do it for me. And neither does Walk the Line. Still haven't finished that one either.
Hans said…
How can they have Shrek, but not one single Pixar movie. Seriously? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? Did they actually watch the movie, or just read about it? Certainly not my list, either. Fahrenheit 9/11? Wow...
Meigan said…
Yea, Momento!

Hmmm, how about Napolean Dynamite? Saw? Hostel? Best in Show? Dawn of the Dead? Donnie Darko? (gotta defend my horror/sci fi flicks)

Not my favorite but Wedding Crashers? It certainly tightened up security at wedding receptions!
Hans said…
Peder, I couldn't get through when I tried to call you back - problem with our phone company, I'm guessing, since it wouldn't let me dial out of the country. I'll keep trying for a little while. It's 12:20a your time right now.

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