State Fair

As the FP Gal noted, we went to the State Fair today. I would have skipped but we had a small errand that we needed to run. She has the pictures, so I'll just hit the highlights:
  • We watched a piglet being born in the 'Miracle of Birth' building. They showed it on an overhead screen. It was all messy, of course. I pointed it out to the FP Gal and said, "Look, they even start out covered in barbecue sauce."
  • There are something like five million people in Minnesota. Most of them were there today. Holy cats, I was claustrophobic! I tried to be cool about it but I'm sure I was a little difficult.
  • We normally stop at the political booths but decided to skip them this year. We were tempted to stop by the Franken booth and sign someone up for a lawn sign...
  • I tried the 'Pizza on a stick'. Eh. The hotdish was better.
  • Someday I'll get the FP Gal to try 'Dippin' Dots'. As God is my witness, I will.
  • Relia thought there was far, far too much sitting in a stroller today. Poor thing. It was too crowded to let her run around too much. We found one lengthy opportunity but that was all.
It was a fun day but we were all very exhausted.


MommyLisa said…
You know you can get dippin' dots at Cub now....keep 'em around the house to tempt her!!! ;)
Sarita said…
Dippin't dots are the work of the devil >:)

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