Most overrated movies

Yay! More movie lists!

(Via Dirty Harry) Here's an MSN writer's list of overrated movies (comments on movies I've seen).

History of Violence
A Beautiful Mind
Castaway - still love this movie, catch it every time it's on TNT
Crash - I did like this movie, surprised that it's got it's own backlash so soon.
The Departed - A terrible movie.
Insomnia - A pretty good movie, certainly the best Pacino in years.
Minority Report - Liked this one. Not world shaking but good for what it is.
Mystic River - Eh. Some good acting and an interesting story. Fell apart at the end.
Ocean's 12 - Terrible movie. Especially the part where everyone pretends that the skeleton of Julia Roberts is sexy.
Ocean's 13
School of Rock

'Little Miss Sunshine' would be high on my list of overrated movies. So would 'Chicago'.


Kate said…
I've only seen one of them. Should I be ashamed?
Peder said…
I wouldn't be ashamed.

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