A 'Why?' Kid

Micah wrote about her son Peter's habit of asking what things mean. She says that they haven't really had a 'Why?' kid (though no doubt one of the next four or five will come through). Relia isn't asking 'why?' yet. She does have a similar habit though. She asks what we're doing. Constantly. And it doesn't matter if she already knows the answer.
For instance when I'm driving the car she'll ask what I'm doing. I tell her that I'm driving. A few minutes later she asks again. (Interestingly enough, whenever she asks the FP Gal what she's doing the answer always seems to be 'cleaning'.)
Anyway, I've developed a strategy. The second time she asks me I simply reverse the question. I ask her what I'm doing. That seems to satisfy her. Sometimes I mix it up and ask her what she's doing. From this I've learned that she somehow drives her car seat.
For some reason I really, really expect that the 'whys?' are on the way. That's when all that sciencey reading will come in handy. And wikipedia. Yep, I'm ready.


Kate said…
That was one of my very favorite "games" to play with the Junior High kids on long car rides. We'd keep asking "why" until there was nothing left. And then collapse into giggles.
carrster said…
I am sort of dreading the "whys" - my patience seems to be thin these days!! Eeek

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