Night Lights
Here are ten strange night lights. The FP Gal has one of the series from number 10. My favorite is number three. The fifth one is the scariest by a wide margin.
Speaking of night lights, we got one of these this weekend (though the price was better). We've put it on a timer and told Relia that she has to stay in her room until the light turns off at 530a. The first couple of nights have not been exactly smooth but we think we can see some progress.
This morning she spent a very rough time from 5a until it finally clicked off. Lots of yelling, crying and a costume change (seriously). Then the time expired and she wall smiles. It was something of an achievement.
On a side note, she's developed a funny habit when the yelling doesn't work. She starts by calling out 'mommy' or 'daddy'. If that doesn't work, she goes to our first and last names. That even got a chuckle out of the FP Gal this morning.
These 'can't sleep' posts are probably tiring for the rest of you. Sorry! It really kind of feels like we may have figured a way forward. Man, I hope so.
Speaking of night lights, we got one of these this weekend (though the price was better). We've put it on a timer and told Relia that she has to stay in her room until the light turns off at 530a. The first couple of nights have not been exactly smooth but we think we can see some progress.
This morning she spent a very rough time from 5a until it finally clicked off. Lots of yelling, crying and a costume change (seriously). Then the time expired and she wall smiles. It was something of an achievement.
On a side note, she's developed a funny habit when the yelling doesn't work. She starts by calling out 'mommy' or 'daddy'. If that doesn't work, she goes to our first and last names. That even got a chuckle out of the FP Gal this morning.
These 'can't sleep' posts are probably tiring for the rest of you. Sorry! It really kind of feels like we may have figured a way forward. Man, I hope so.
What was the costume change?
The costume change was from PJ tops & bottoms to a pair of tights. I was pretty impressed that she got them on all by herself. I have trouble getting tights on myself
Nightmares, new teeth, falling out of bed (no longer happening - thank god), kicking off blankets (and suddenly not being capable of getting them on herself). Oh the trials of being 2.5.