I Have Made a Chicken Based Meal

For a nice recap of the day, please visit the lovely FP Gal's blog here. The third and fourth pics are my favorite. As the FP Gal noted, I brought the telescope out in the backyard and Relia decided that she'd look at the moon through it. Yay! Give her a few more years and some more interesting targets and I'll get her hooked on backyard astronomy.
I'd like to mention supper. Now, let me first say that my cooking skills are somewhat meager. I'm very good with toast and frozen pizzas. It's been a long time since the morning when I burned my Cheerios (true story), but I'm still no great shakes.
But I'm working on it. A few weeks back I got a cookbook based on use of Campbells soup. Each recipe is simple, having a half dozen or fewer ingredients and only four or five steps. It's not Julia Child but it is a step up from drive thru.
I had the FP Gal look through it and mark the meals that looked good for her. If I had done the same thing there would have been few matches. In fact, it's a good thing that the FP Gal and I didn't rely on some sort of culinary internet dating service. We never would have met. Some of the ones that she choose were based on chicken.
I've never cooked raw chicken. It scares me. Beef you cook until it's browned. Ham and turkey until warm enough. But chicken is deadly and will kill everyone within a three block radius if prepared incorrectly. Yer darn tootin' I'm scared of it!
Anyway, long story short (too late!), tonight I made a meal that included chicken breast with tomato soup and spices. There was baking and mozzarella sprinkled on top. These were served on a bed of macaroni. And they were good! And no one is dead! (At least yet. If there are no posts tomorrow you can be duly concerned.)

Yes, I'm feeling very homey.


carrster said…
Nice job, Peder!!
Kate said…
Wahooo! I don't like to cook chicken on the grill, but crockpot and baking seem to be okay. I have a great crock pot chicken recipe if you want it. And you cook it all day - so it's for SURE done!
DD4 said…
Good for you, Peder! Your chicken recipe sounds good.
Cellomama said…
You need a good meat thermometer. We have an instant read meat fork that we always use on chicken and can be assured it hit the safe temperature. Seriously, if you're worried about illness, that will give you peace of mind.

But otherwise - woohoo!! Pete's not a big fan of chicken, but I love it. Thankfully, if I make it he's usually just so happy I made dinner that he doesn't complain. :-)

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