Survivor Thoughts

One day behind but I'm still used to Thursday nights . . .
  • In the past the FP Gal and I have been part of an office pool where we randomly select a Survivor before the season starts. That didn't happen this year so we randomly choose two people on our own. Our condolences to Holly and Chase since we've doomed both of your chances.
  • Before I forget, here is Jeff Probst's first blog post about last night. There is a link in there to the Immunity clue if you want to try and puzzle it out.
  • Last night was the first bit of Survivor in a year that didn't include Russell. Not the first season (or not just the season) the first episode. That's kind of amazing.
  • There was a brief glimpse of Russell during a commercial. It was a collection of former Survivor contestants with a plea to fight cancer. I love the idea and the show really has committed itself to this over the years. However . . . when people like Boston Rob and Russell ask me to do something, even something like fighting cancer, well, I start to wonder what their angle is.
  • Absolutely gorgeous camera shots. No one does more for HD than Survivor. It absolutely pops. The FP Gal tells me that there is a ton of color correction going on and she's probably right. I wonder why Amazing Race doesn't have as nice camerawork?
  • For one episode at least, waaaaay too much Jimmy Johnson. I heard years ago that various celebs had tried to get on the show and were turned away because the insurance would be too costly. (Which makes me wonder if Johnson offered to carry some of that freight.) Now I'm thinking that the inclusion of someone famous might ruin the dynamic as we get to know people. We'll see.
  • From time to time I hear non fans complain that the show would be better if they actually were fending for themselves in a more complete way. I disagree completely. The survival aspect of the show looks brutal enough. And the scheming part is easily the most entertaining!
Yes, I'm glad it's back.


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