
Me: What would you like for breakfast?
Relia: Uh...
Me: Cereal?
Relia: No! I want peanut...
Me: Peanut toast? [This is our code for something with peanut butter.]
Relia: Yes!
Me: Ok, do you want it warm or cold? [Toasted or untoasted?]
Relia: (thinking) Uh...I'd like it...wet.
Me: (rolling eyes) Ok, you'll get it warm.

After the slice was done and prepared I was chastised for 'not putting a top on it'. One more piece toasted and all is well.


Kate said…
Wet. She's SO my girl. When she starts wanting peanut butter and velveeta cheese sandwiches, you let me know. They're my favorite comfort food in the universe.

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