Yay Singapore Airport!
(Via NYT Travel blog) The Singapore airport has made a new addition that I'm fully in favor of. A '40 foot tall jumbo twister slide'.
For every $22 spent in the airport, adrenaline junkies (or really brave little kids) get tokens for two rides on the slide. Visitors who don’t want to travel at the speed of 19 feet a second, can take a ride down the shorter, one-and-a-half-story tall slide located at Terminal 3 Basement 2, which is free.There is video at the link. It looks like a ton of fun. With all of the controversy between the two Twin Cities airports I wonder if they should have explored a big long twisty slide as a way to get between the two terminals. They even could have left the ice on it during the five months of winter and enhanced the ride!
There is a down side to the Singapore airport experience though:Veteran readers spotted the problem right away. It seems that they don't have enough insectivorous plants and the butterflies have overrun the garden. The horror, the horror!
The attraction is the latest addition to a long list I like to call, “ridiculously amazing things to have in an airport,” including a movie theater, a rooftop swimming pool, and the Butterfly Garden (which is also home to a collection of 200 carnivorous or insectivorous plants).