Life in the Goose House

On windy days (like today) there is a somewhat unique phenomenon here at the FP household. If the wind strikes the houses just right there is a loud, low moaning noise. It has some of the nasal sound of a goose honking and also a reedy quality. (What's the lowest reed instrument? The bassoon? Maybe we live in the bassoon house.)
Anyway, the noise is quite startling the first time you hear it. It starts from the stairway area where there is nothing obvious making it. The sound bears a resemblance to some kind of low pitched alarm as well, making you wonder if you've done something wrong.
I still remember the first time I heard it. The FP Gal was used to it and acted like nothing had happened. I had to ask she'd heard that too. Then she explained it and I calmed down. Knowledge is power, after all.
This morning Relia heard it for the first time. I told her what was happening but I'm not sure she believed me. Should be an interesting day . . .


Kate said…
Goose House is much more entertaining than Bassoon House.
Peder said…
I kind of think that 'Bassoon House' sounds like a genre of dance music played by full orchestras.
Anonymous said…
just tell her is is a ghost!
Alfred T. Mahan said…
I was going to say your post title sounds like a film by Ingmar Bergman, Peder.

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