Sunday, September 12, 2010


Relia: Daddy, let me see your belly.
Me: (sheepishly lifts shirt) Ok.
Relia: I think you're going to have a baby!
Me: Uh, no. I mean I could stand to lose a few pounds but I'm not going to have a baby.
Relia: (thinking) I'm going to have a baby in my tummy.
Me: Not for some time kiddo!
Relia: I'll have a baby. I'll go to school and you can stay home and take care of it!

Well. I guess my role in the family is settled now.


Meigan said...

I have heard similar! My girls always used to tell me how they'll "be in sales for walmart" and their husband will "wash dishes and do laundry."

Kate said...

You're such a caretaker.