
While driving in the car . . .

Relia: What is 'die'?
Me: (stalling for time) Like to color things? Or when you're dead?
Relia: When you're dead.
Me: Uh, it's when you stop living. And you go away.
Relia: (pause) Well, you'll die.
Me: Not for a long time sweetheart. Don't worry about it.
Relia: (pause) You'll be old and I'll shoot you with a gun.
Me: I hope not. I hope you never have to shoot anyone. Especially me.
Relia: And then I'll be friends with mama.

The conversation drifted quickly as I changed the subject. I have no clue where this subject came from. It sounds like she's been watching 'Logan's Run' or something. I know that the sex and death conversations are inevitable. I was just hoping to get a little more prep time.


Alfred T. Mahan said…
Or else she caught a showing of this, Peder. Either way, you're in trouble.
Peder said…
Man, it all comes back to Zardoz doesn't it?
Meigan said…
This is too funny. You'll get old and I'll shoot you. Oh my.
Kate said…
She's got a plan for you. Better pay up your life insurance.

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