Baby Stuff

We're less than two weeks from the due date and I just realized that I've hardly done any blogging at all about the Oncoming Baby. I'm putting the blame squarely on the third baby stuff. You know, the first one has a full baby book, the second half full and the third baby book isn't even taken out of the wrapper. That's probably what's happening here.
Anyway, I was just reading back to when Relia arrived so I could try and gauge the comfort level of the FP Gal. (Go ahead click that link. It goes back to a younger, more innocent time. You might enjoy it.) It's interesting to read my words from back then when I knew so little. I know more now, but the biggest lesson I've learned with labor is this: do some reasonable preperation and then trust that the people who do this for a living can get you through the rest.
Anyway, I did want to put down some other thoughts here:

  • We think we've settled on names. We're not quite sure if we'll share them ahead of time or not. I'm pretty happy with both the boy and the girl name!

  • Relia is excited for the baby. Very excited. She tells us that she can't wait for the New Baby to get here. That's been our phrase around here; New Baby.

  • DF doesn't really understand what is going on. He knows that momma's belly has gotten big but that's about it. We're curious how he'll react. He loves babies in public. He likes to talk about their parts ("Baby eyes! Baby mouth!").

  • The house feels somewhat prepared. The New Baby will be in our room for the first few months so we don't need to really rearrange any rooms yet. We're still talking about what changes to make.

  • I'm planning on taking a week or so off of work. Having me in the house makes it a little easier when baby actually comes. (Along those lines, my biggest fear is that I'll go downstairs at the end of my shift at 130a and the FP Gal will tell me we're going in. That would be very bad from a sleep standpoint.)

  • Somehow it seems impossible that the time is almost here. Somehow it seems impossible that it hasn't happened yet. We're ready to meet you baby!


baby said…
Pregnancy is a unique and very memorable experience of a woman. Some may say that it's a blessing if a woman can bear a child. Consider yourself blessed.
baby said…
Pregnancy is a unique and very memorable experience of a woman. Some may say that it's a blessing if a woman can bear a child. Consider yourself blessed.

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