Top Five December Movies

And with month twelve we draw to a close. December is the easiest month to pick from. (July was second easiest.) These are my personal five but I'm sure another dozen or two movies would also fit well.

Love, Actually - A sweet movie, with several intertwined love stories. Some work out, some don't. At least one brings tears to my eyes. And it gave us a name for our daughter! This is the first of our traditional Christmas movies out of the drawer each year.

A Christmas Story - A classic from my youth. Makes me want to run out and get a Red Rider BB gun.

It's a Wonderful Life - If you ran a poll about the greatest Christmas movie of all time, this would be the hands down winner. And I'm not about to disagree. I find it curious, though, how the message about how other you change the lives of everyone around you, isn't really a traditional Christmas message.

Scrooged - This is probably my favorite adaptation of 'A Christmas Carol' (though the 2010 Dr Who Christmas special was pretty darn good). Some good ol' Bill Murray doing the stuff he does so well.

Die Hard - A great action movie. Simply great. Hey, remember when Bruce Willis did TV? This is what changed all that.


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