Top Five November Movies

Nearly done and onto November. This month means three things: Thanksgiving, family and the start of winter. I've got movies that fit all three of these categories.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - The classic tale of a man trying to get home to his family for Thanksgiving. Instead he ends up with John Candy and all manner of problems. What's more quotable, "Those aren't pillows!" or "You're going the wrong way!"? Simply a great comedy.

Miracle on 34th St - Somehow I missed this movie growing up. I had it classified as a Christmas movie but since it starts with a big ol' Thanksgiving day parade, I think it fits November better. And yes, I would recommend the original over the remake.

About a Boy - This is one of the most pro-family movies that has been made in the last twenty years. I mean that in the sense that it makes a forceful argument on the importance of family, of being part of a family. It's warm and touching and if you haven't seen it, you should.

Dan in Real Life - Another family movie, this one about a big extended annual family reunion. Some wonderful acting and I want to steal a bunch of their traditions. And their cabin. And Juliette Binoche . . .

Unforgiven - A great movie but a very different tone than the first four that I listed here. I'm putting it in November for the wonderful scenes of the first snows on the high plains. This was the movie that showed me how great Clint Eastwood is.


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