Top Five October Movies

And into fall we go! As always, feel free to leave suggestions and comments.

Dead Poet's Society - This is a back to school film and I suppose you could argue it for September but for me the imagery of colored leaves is too strong to ignore here. Every October I get an incredible urge to watch this and in some ways, this connection inspired this whole project. By the way, what a great film!

The Hunt for Red October - Another great movie, this one fits the month on name alone. True story, I saw this in Scotland and was later told that they 'don't really care for submarine movies'. Ah well, I'm nae bothered.

Silence of the Lambs - And then of course the scary movies. This is easily one of the best horror movies of all time. Another true story? I once went on a first date to this movie. I, um, wouldn't recommend that.

The Blair Witch Project - Another scary movie and a pioneer at that. This one launched the whole 'found film' style of movie. It really, really worked. Very creepy.

The Ring - A newer movie and another scary one. This one works with atmosphere and just plain strangeness. After this movie I will never get on a ferry with a horse.


DD4 said…
Well, "The Hunt for Red October" will always be one of my favorite films. "Dead Poet Society" is good, too. As for the others, no thanks.

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