Movie project
So yesterday we watched the last of the 80's movies. Which puts me six or seven reviews behind. Guess this really did come off the tracks, huh? I'll try to get some reviews up but they'll be short. (Never did get to see 'Rain Man'. Not available on Netflicks and the effort to track it down was too much. I'll keep an eye out for it on cable, ok? I have vague memories of it when it was actually out. Remembered liking it but not loving it.)
This year I'll just tackle some movies for the heck of it. Some movies from the 70's but not in the same organized manner. Carrie, what are the must see ones? (Suggestions from others are welcome too.)
This year I'll just tackle some movies for the heck of it. Some movies from the 70's but not in the same organized manner. Carrie, what are the must see ones? (Suggestions from others are welcome too.)
Anyway - some of my favorite 70's flicks: ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN (one of my all time faves ever), THE CONVERSATION, DOG DAY AFTERNOON, SERPICO, ANNIE HALL, NETWORK (okay, I have a Sidney Lumet thing - so shoot me)....that should get you started.... :) I'm sure I'll think of more.