Um...what is that?

So the FP Gal is bringing good foods into the house. Something about eating well for the baby or something. At least I think that's the reason for the increase in grapes. For all I know she just really likes them. Even I do in small quantities.
And you know who else likes them? Our intrepid kitten, Ozzie. For the past few days we've noticed fewer grapes on the bunch and more of them in random places around the house. Nothing like a lone, very bruised grape on the living room floor to make a place looked lived in. Believe me. At least he hasn't brought any upstairs yet.
So why do I mention this? When I went to put on my tennis shoes tonight there was a little gift inside, down by the toe. One last grape. Roxy used to do this all the time with cat toys. But never with fruit!
Lucky for him, cuteness goes a long way.


Brian said…
Grapes are poisonous to dogs, I am not sure about cats. You will be ok Peder, I started bringing health food in the house last spring and Chad is still alive.
Peder said…
She also brought an entire lasagna home on Monday. She's eaten maybe two pieces of it. I'll get by somehow.
MamaD4 said…
Hans is deathly afraid of fruits and vegetables, too (with the exception of french fries and tomato paste). I just don't get it. Surely Donna fed you fruits and vegetables growing up? I can't believe that she didn't. I didn't know that grapes were poisonous to dogs. Oops. Freddie used to play with them all the time. By the time I would find them, they'd pretty much be grapes!
MamaD4 said…
Raisins, I mean. Duh. Raisins.
Peder said…
We didn't learn about fruits and vegetables until third grade. A sad story, I know. I was almost an adult before I found out about green peppers.
DD4 said…
I will admit to never bringing green peppers or celery into our home, but I did provide fruit - such as bananas, strawberries, raspberries, apples, blueberry pie filling (and blueberry buckle - which I think Hans and Peder still like), and pineapple, watermellon and cantalope. I also fixed squash, corn, peas, green beans, baked beans, cole slaw, and maybe other vegetables. It's not my fault you clampped your jaw shut.

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