
My latest game? Set (online version). Jodi introduced this to the FP Gal and I last year. It's a card game where you have to match like and opposite traits. There are good instructions with the online version, complete with pictures.
This was especially fun while Hans was here because it was fun to see him and Jodi go at it. Competitive visual games. Who can beat that?


j said…
Well, I apparently can beat Hans at Set, does that count?
Peder said…
I'll let him speak to that.
MamaD4 said…
Yayayayay!! You beat Hans! I'm going to buy you a drink next time I'm in town. Buca has these awesome lemon martini thingies with raspberries in them! Yay! I just love it whenever someone beats Hans! I wish I could have been there. Yay! OK, maybe a bit too much enthusiasm... ;)

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