Scenes from the house

So I stopped by the grocery store after a long day at work and picked up a few things. Supper caught my eye in the freezer section and I got some alfredo broccoli. Cooked it up on the stove and served about half of it up for myself and went into the living room to eat.
We've run into a problem with our intrepid trouble-maker, Ozzie. He likes to jump up on the counter and eat any food that's up there or on the stove. We keep an eye on him, but he's sneaky. I figured that broccoli and cheese wouldn't tempt him. I was wrong. Walked back into the kitchen to find that he'd snagged a bit of broccoli and was eating it off of the floor. When I tried to get it away from him he ran away with it in his mouth. That led me to chase after him yelling, 'Put down the broccoli!'. When I picked him up he dropped it.
Let's hope it's that easy with children.


MamaD4 said…
Yeah, if you shake 'em around by the ankles, they usually give whatever they took back to you!

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