Oscar Nominees
The Oscar nominees were announced today. Last year I said that the Best Picture films were a 'dreary list'. This year is a more conventional set. You've got your war film ('Letters from Iwo Jima'), your English film ('The Queen'), your mob film ('The Departed') and your quirky comedy ('Little Miss Sunshine'). Don't really know what 'Babel' is about...hmmm...guess it's about an accident that looks like terrorism.
Neither the FP Gal nor I saw any of them so I don't really have any opinions about them. The best movie I saw was 'United 93', which got a Best Directing nom. Didn't even see any of the animated ones. What's wrong with me? Is this what...old age feels like?
Neither the FP Gal nor I saw any of them so I don't really have any opinions about them. The best movie I saw was 'United 93', which got a Best Directing nom. Didn't even see any of the animated ones. What's wrong with me? Is this what...old age feels like?
(haven't seen any of the others but was happy to see Ms. Streep's nod for The Devil Wears Prada as she was fantastic.