Random Thursday Night thoughts

While suffering the year's first cold...
  • Very beautiful snow on Sunday. The FP Gal calls it 'instant urban renewal'. It was nice to look at for New Year's Eve but not nice to drive in. So we stayed home and had a nice quiet time.
  • Lots of fireworks in the neighborhood this year. Last year it was just us (with a group of small boys watching from the apartment next door). We even heard a little 'Auld Lang Syne' from a nearby party. Maybe next year we'll plan a party. I would love to host/attend a New Year's Eve masquerade party. Wouldn't that be fun?
  • 'The Great Gatsby' was a very quick read. I'll put up a review around the middle of next week. Does that work for everyone?
  • Oh, Jodi, here's the picture from last week:


DD4 said…
That's a great photo! I'm so glad you all got to get together again.
carrster said…
Not sure if I'll get to Gatsby or not considering I'm still finishing CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Ay yi yi....But I have read it before so I will survive......doh!

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