Nine (not three) is the magic number

More details here. A must for math geeks (and yes, I'm looking at you!). On a personal note, I've always liked nines for some reason or other. They're just nice to work with, you know? Not that the other numbers aren't also nice. (Except for those wannabe eights. Don't care for them at all.)


MamaD4 said…
I like nines, too, weirdly. Because Hans and I got married on the 29th. Josiah was due on May 29th and arrived on May 19th. Good things happen on 9 days for us. I was sure that Annika would arrive on a nine day, too, but she obviously didn't get the memo.
DD4 said…
Rachel, you could add one more 9 -- Hans was born on the 9th month.

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