Random Saturday thoughts

  • 'Sleepless in Seattle' is on this morning. There's a scene where Meg Ryan is driving around Seattle with a map. I bet she ended up in Renton at least twice. (Always preferred this one to 'You've Got Mail'. It's got a cleaner storyline and better music.)
  • Never saw 'An Affair to Remember' and I'm ok with that.
  • Hey! 'Sleepless in Seattle' was filmed in New York!
  • Got a bottle of TruBlue blueberry juice last week. It was awareded the 'Best New Blueberry Juice of 2005' award. Read that again. Who knew there was such an award? Is there a rented hall? A list of nominees? Do other berry juices go through this? Was there a 'Best New Tomato Juice of 2005'? What about prunes?
  • Who presented the award? The North American Blueberry Council. Again, who knew there was such an orginization? Who works there? And why do they have recipes for blueberry soups? We live in a strange world.
  • The juice isn't bad. If someone gave it to you as grape juice you might not question it at all. I can't get the FP Gal to try it but she's picky.
  • Baby news? We've been calling the oncoming blessed event 'Godot' because we don't know if we should use a male or female name. Talked to my dad this week and he's found a better solution. He's calling it the FP Child. He made it very clear that he doesn't think of it as a ghost.
  • I hate the bye week before the Super Bowl. It ruins all sense of momentum going into the end. It also portends the deadest period of the sports calendar. Next big event is the college basketball tournament almost two months from now. At least pitchers and catchers report in about three weeks. That's something. I guess.
  • That's it!


Sarita said…
I believe it is the "best new blueberry drink of 2005", and you didn't mention that 2005 is the most current award so far. I anxiously await the announcement of the best new blueberry drink of 2006, in April 2007.
Sarita said…
"The Fisher King" was made in New York!
Brian said…
A few parts of Sleepless in Seattle were filmed in Seattle.

I will have to keep an eye out for the 2007 Jucies.
Test said…
My first nephew was referred to as "Cletus" as in Cletus the Fetus. My bro-in-law wants us to have a girl so he has decided to call this child "Meg the Egg".

Pete has slipped a couple of times and referred to it as him. We're mostly just referring to it as "the baby" or "the kid".

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