Scene from work

Back in December, right after we found out about our upcoming addition, I got a call at work from a lady who was traveling to Dallas and wanted to make certain that she got aisle seats. Her reason was simple, she was pregnant and by the time this trip came off she would be very pregnant and she really wanted an aisle or an exit row seat for obvious reasons. Since we'd just found out that we were in a family way, I gushingly shared that with her. She gushed back a bit. Pregnancy brings with it a strange fraternity (sorority?). I called the airline and leaned on her condition to try and get her the best seats I could.
Got a call today from an exhausted sounding husband. He was calling for a traveler who was supposed to fly last Friday but couldn't because she'd been hospitalized instead. No details were given but there was mention of the emergency room and an extended stay in ICU. He was trying to get her back home. The flights were pretty open so I didn't think it'd be a problem. I called the airline ready to fight them if they gave any trouble (I've got a soft spot for people in ICU) but they were very accomadating.
We get this kind of call from time to time. Bad things happen to people everywhere, unfortunatly. This poor woman was stuck in the hospital in Dallas when her home was back in Chattanooga. Think of how awful that must have been for her husband and family. I know that her parents were with her because we looked at flights for them too.
Anyway, I started putting notes in the record as to what was happening. And then I ran across notes that I'd put in back in December. This was the same lady that had wanted better seats because she was pregnant. No mention of a baby had been made this time.
I feel awful for them.


Test said…
Makes my heart hurt to hear that. I had a similar experience with someone I know at work who shared that she had lost her baby far along in her first trimester. Being preggers gives me a whole different perspective on the emotions these folks must be going through.

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