Best Picture Nominees
If I was single and carefree, I'd be all over this:
If you have a free Saturday and a cast-iron posterior, you can see (or re-see) all five Oscar best-picture nominees at area AMC theaters (Arbor Lakes, Rosedale and Southdale).For $30 (including unlimited popcorn refills), you can spend 12 hours and 25 minutes in the theater -- or come and go as you please.
Alas, the FP Gal says I'm not single enough. Oh well! I haven't seen any of the five. Tried to see 'There Will Be Blood' but just couldn't fit it in. The FP Gal wants to see 'Juno' (well, so do I) but we haven't figured that out either. Babies do take up time.
Who saw what and what did you think?
I only saw JUNO which I really liked. Love the soundtrack. Sometimes that makes a movie for me. I want to see THERE WILL BE BLOOD or NO COUNTRY... tonight but I'm not sure if I'll be able to squeeze it in or not.