A new kitten?
Our dear kitten Ozzie (the Terrible) has been an absolute whirlwind of destruction this week. On the counters, in the cupboards, knocking stuff over and breaking things from our mantle. I feel like I spend most evenings running into the kitchen to correct him.
The FP Gal thinks he is so much naughtier than any of our other cats because he is a boy. There might be something to this but I'm sure I don't know. She wants to emphasize that she's not opposed to boys of other species, she just thinks that boy kitties might be more rambunctious than girl ones.
What to do about it? I honestly don't know. We can't really fence off the kitchen (the source of most temptations) without seriously rearranging our lives. Electrifying the counter tops is too expensive (apparently). Same with Invisible Fencing. Squirt guns work to some extent but we don't want to be armed all the time. And one of us would have to be stationed in the kitchen.
What else? I've thought about putting weights on his feet to keep him from jumping up on things but that would only make him stronger. Hobbling him would work but it would cruel.
So tonight I hit upon the solution: get another kitten to keep him busy. I mentioned that to the FP Gal and she just said "Ok, but it has to be a girl." Now she might be kidding (in fact she probably was) but just to be safe I should probably run right out and get one.
Updates to follow...
The FP Gal thinks he is so much naughtier than any of our other cats because he is a boy. There might be something to this but I'm sure I don't know. She wants to emphasize that she's not opposed to boys of other species, she just thinks that boy kitties might be more rambunctious than girl ones.
What to do about it? I honestly don't know. We can't really fence off the kitchen (the source of most temptations) without seriously rearranging our lives. Electrifying the counter tops is too expensive (apparently). Same with Invisible Fencing. Squirt guns work to some extent but we don't want to be armed all the time. And one of us would have to be stationed in the kitchen.
What else? I've thought about putting weights on his feet to keep him from jumping up on things but that would only make him stronger. Hobbling him would work but it would cruel.
So tonight I hit upon the solution: get another kitten to keep him busy. I mentioned that to the FP Gal and she just said "Ok, but it has to be a girl." Now she might be kidding (in fact she probably was) but just to be safe I should probably run right out and get one.
Updates to follow...
Zoidberg, our little girl, is horribly rambunctious. As far as destroying things goes, she ranks #2 after Sligo. She's become Sligo's partner in crime and has therfore earned the nickname "Minion."
I'm sort of hoping she'll grow out of this
The favorite time for cats...