Hey, Austin

Look which city made the New York Times today. I love the opening line:
If you have to come down with a strange disease, this town of 23,000 on the wide-open prairie in southeastern Minnesota is a pretty good place to be.
Yeah, so it's got that going for it. Seriously, good luck to the people covered in this article.


carrster said…
That was a very disgusting article. Ewwww.
Meigan said…
I heard about this - isn't it strange???

They're right about Austin being a good place to get sick. Mayo has been very good to my family.
MamaD4 said…
Yuck, what a job--extracting swine brains. However, there are days with these children that I would gladly trade with him.

Mayo has been good to my family too--sister and sister-in-law now work for them. The only complaint I have is with the collection agency they sicced on me after our insurance refused to finish paying for my little helicopter ride.
Test said…
i'm gonna have to ask my dad about this one. he used to supervise a line when the kill line was still part of hormel. how odd.

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